23 March 2018
Exchange custom folders
After popular demand Speaking Email now supports reading email from a custom folder instead of “inbox” on Exchange or Office 365

Speaking Email and the connected car
We've been approached by a major automobile manufacturer to help out with their next generation email reader. Can't say who at this stage but they are one of very few car manufacturers who already include email reading in their suite of connected apps, and they are looking to Speaking Email to take it to the next level.
7 day free premium
If you have friends who would like to try Speaking Email, the free basic edition now comes with 7 days of premium features so they can give it a full blast before dipping into their pocket.
(BTW if you've previously tried Speaking Email and want to give it another go, remember you can buy one month only for $2)
Android autorenewal
We've now added auto renewing monthly subscriptions for Android. If you tried to extend your subscription previously and found it didn't work, this will resolve the issues.
Slower and faster
Voice commands "slower" and "faster" let you change reading speed while you're listening.
Remember you can say "help" any time voice recognition is active, to get a list of things you can say. In reply dictation mode, say "dictation help".