Q: This doesn't work for me - can I get a refund?
A: Yes. If you are not happy with the app for any reason, we don't mind giving you a refund.
For Apple users, go to https://reportaproblem.apple.com and login with your Apple ID. You will see a list of all apps you have bought and buttons to report a problem and request a refund.

For Android users, if the purchase is within 48 hours, you can get a refund on the Play Store following this process. If it is after 48 hours or if you prefer, contact us directly on feedback@speaking.email and we will arrange a refund for you. Please tell us the reason so we can record this for our feedback, and the Google Play receipt number (starts with GPA) so we can locate the transaction.
What is Speaking Email?
An app for iPhone and Android that reads your email out loud to you. It intelligently extracts content from emails (minus the signatures, disclaimers and threads). And it lets you action your email - archive, mark-as-read, trash, flag, reply, or forward. It can be completely by voice command, or use the large on-screen buttons or full screen touch gestures.
Who is it for?
People with blindness or visual impairment. People who are busy and run out of time to get through their inbox. People who want to make productive use of time when driving between appointments.
Do you have Apple CarPlay?
See our other product Speaking Email CarPlay.